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Quality of Life – Rehabilitation & Training

Are you looking to improve your quality of life?


Do you have injuries such as: Muscular tears, shoulder injuries, knee injuries, lower back injuries, or any other joint or muscular injury?


Do you have arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, cholesterol, asthma or hyper flexibility syndrome?


Do you have skeletal problems such as; scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis?


JMF Body Building can design strength and Cardio resistance gym programs for all your injury or rehabilitation needs. DON’T wait until it is too late.


JMF Body Building can create specialised programs, in conjunction with your medical practitioner, to improve your quality of life.


If you have any hand grip problems JMF Body Building has specialised wrist and hand cuff supports to assist you in performing strength training.


JMF Body Building can design home gym programs, cardio fitness programs and GI eating programs to assist you in maintaining your quality of life for use outside of the Studio.


When you are finished training you can take a dip and do a few laps in our swimming pool located just outside the door of the JMF Training Studio.


At JMF Body Building we know how important the upper body is in strength to people who use wheelchairs.


JMF Body Building has imported an "Equalizer” uni combo exercise machine that includes; Lat Pull Down, Seated Row, and Chest Press.


The Equalizer can also be used for multiple exercises for all clients, such as; Abductor and Adductor leg muscle exercises, Tricep and Bicep arm muscle exercises.


The Equilizer was specifically designed in Canada by people who use wheel chairs, to ensure all the upper body muscle groups obtain the strength training they need.

Training Studio
Seated Row
Chest Press

Here are some before and after photograph's of one of my valued clients.

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